Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Head Noise

You know how when you're trying to do something important (at least to you), and you have this song or conversation going on in your head? Do you? Because I do. It happens all too often. Especially in situations where I'm supposed to be paying attention. And I do. For a minute or two. Then I'm off. I look like I'm paying attention, but I'm so not there.

My mind starts planning stuff like what color I'll finally paint the bathroom, or even "if" I'll finally paint the bathroom, or starts a shopping list, or throws away all the crap in the basement, or decides it needs another cup of coffee.

And before you know it, it's two hours later and there hasn't been any progress forward into your day (or evening if you're a night owl).

My son has the same problem. Especially when he's doing homework. But not when he's playing with trains. Because when he's playing with trains, he's doing what occupies his mind. So when he's not playing with trains, they are still occupying his thoughts. His head is full of trains, submarines, steam powered machines, and myriad ideas and inventions. It makes it difficult for him to settle down at bedtime.

Yes, I've considered that ADD may be at work here. I am reluctant, however, to confirm that and to label the boy in a way which will make school even more difficult.

So we call it head noise. Get the noise out of your head.

Maybe we just need to listen to more music. Create some classical white noise to help us focus.

Maybe I'm a genius.

Probably not.

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