Friday, January 22, 2010

Breakdown and Repair

Supposedly, when Mercury is in retrograde, things go wrong - I'm assuming this means more than one might usually expect. They break, they stop working, they leak, whatever. My vacuum cleaner was the first to go. But Mercury is no longer retrograde and things are still breaking.

What's up with that?

Yesterday, my entire morning was sidetracked by water in the basement. Mostly on the floor, but there was some on top of the washer and other surfaces.


Boxes were wet, the rug was wet, the smell is not a smell of choice. But the big mystery here is: where did the water come from?

We know where it went. And, frankly, serves us right if stuff gets ruined because we still haven't gotten around to unpacking the rest of our crap from moving three and a half years ago.

The heating guy was here yesterday. Said it wasn't the heating system. The plumber is here now. We booked him earlier this week for the toilet that stopped working in December. I should clarify - we shut off the water because it was leaking and the floor was wet.

A link, perhaps?

Curiouser and curiouser.

And now I'm about to head out and make a stop at the repair center to drop off the vacuum. Hopefully, it's a cheap fix. The unit is less than four years old and I'm counting on it lasting as long as the last one did. Which had to be upward of 20 years, but I don't know for sure. I got it from a little old lady. And I had it for 12 years.

I'm afraid to ask "what next" because I really don't want to know. The septic is waiting for us to do something about it. It could get ugly.

Stay tuned.

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