Monday, November 30, 2009

Cyber Monday

I plan on doing some online shopping today. It's fun. No crowds to battle or to disgruntle me. I'm very disgruntled lately. Although, in spite of my disgruntlement, I do enjoy holiday shopping. And I usually do a bit of it from the comfort of my ergonomically correct office chair. This is what I'll be doing today. It's not the only thing, but it's one of the things. I feel the need for a little retail therapy and perhaps my disgruntlement will hook up with my headache and leave.

I also enjoy going to the mall and I plan to in the next week or so. There is no mall in the near viscinity of my home, so I do have to plan ahead. Make my list. Check it twice. Fill the gas tank. And hit the Starbucks as soon as I have parked my car and ditched my coat.

I like to make my trip to the mall when most of my holiday shopping is done. Then my latte and I can just stroll, browse, and impulse shop. Usually I do have a few things to pick up that I can't get online. The rest, however, is just gravy. Or crystal. Or cosmetics.

My throbbing head is making it difficult to think. Along with all of the "cyber monday" coupons in my email inbox.

Wish me luck, I'm going in.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


How many things we take for granted. Like heat and hot water to name two. This past week the house was nearly heat-free for two days. It was cold in here. Not as cold as it might have been. After all, outside temps were in the 50's. Still, this tired, out of shape body needed all the blankets I could find just to stay warm while watching tv. That's what tired, out of shape people do. They sit around, wrapped in mulitple blankets and watch tv. No exercize for us, dammit!

Thankfully, the gods of heat and hot water took pity on me and provided plenty of the latter. Hot showers, and lots of 'em. The only drawback - well, two actually - eventually you have to get out, and then you have dry skin.

I'll take the dry skin. Because I couldn't take living in a warmer climate. I love New England. I love the seasons. Especially this time of year when it's supposed to be cool and brisk for that walk you take after you have eaten more food than one person should at a single sitting. I love Thanksgiving because I love the carbs. Carbs and wine. Wine and carbs. And dessert, dessert wine, and carbs.


So, inspite of the fact that it's a few days shy of Thanksgiving, and in spite of the fact that I've digressed from the original topic of heat (or lack thereof), I will offer my thanks and gratitude.

I am thankful and grateful for heat, hot water, carbs, wine, dessert, coffee, and little boys who give great big hugs.

There's other stuff too. But this is a good start. I think I'll go boil some water, make some coffee and give my kid a big hug. And I don't need to wear socks for any of these things because the heat is back on.

But I still like my blankets.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, lazy Sunday

It's a lazy sunday morning and I seriously considered not showering today. I have nowhere to go, except to the kitchen to brew a cuppa joe. Then I realized that no writing would happen today until I washed and put on clean underwear.

Why is clean underwear so important? Kids don't care about clean underwear or how they smell. Mine doesn't even care about the potential smell when he doesn't wipe his butt well enough after a chat-fest on the toilet.

"Hey Mom, come in the bathroom. You have to see this."

Uhm, no. No I don't.

I suppose it's a good thing we don't have a dog.

But now that I am properly washed and in today's underwear (no, they do not say "Sunday" across the butt), I'm wondering if I really needed the shower after all. Who would know? Unless, of course, I find myself in the emergency room, regaining consciousness to see the entire ER staff standing around me pointing and laughing.

If the volume on the TV in the other room wasn't competing against the noise of the electric train set, and the monkey that just walked in here, making it impossible to get two brain cells to collide and complete a thought, I could probably ruminate on this further. But since I'm not a cow (don't even think it), and in spite of my inability to think...

What was I saying?

Nevermind. I'll drown it all out with the white noise in my head and finish my coffee.

Happy day-of-rest. May your coffee be hot, your underwear clean, and all of your monkeys in their cages.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wallow Wallow

I have been wallowing in the depths of unfocused miasma. I like that word. Miasma. Mine is self-inflicted. Too many tasks on my "to do" list, too little time to "do".

I am overcome by the massive amount of clutter that I can't seem to purge. Granted, a huge part of it is unpurgeable because it is not mine. Were I able, that part of the clutter would be so easy to part with. I have no emotional or professional attachment to it. Pull up the dumpster boys, I'm going to fill it up.

But alas, I may not toss it, so I continue to trip over it. And it continues to trip me up in other ways. Emotionally, physically, psychologically. I'm a mess. A confused, conflicted mess.

My horoscope says that with Saturn moving out of Virgo things will get better. I'm waiting. I'm wondering if I have to hit bottom first.  Of course, I may never hit bottom because there's too much clutter preventing me from getting to the bottom. So I'm wallowing in a no-man's land of crap and missing hardware.

Missing hardware makes it very hard to complete small, useful projects. We have a great hardware store in our town. Family owned. The people that work there can actually answer your questions and they know where stuff is. I like the hardware store. I like browsing and fantasizing about all of the projects I could do. But having one doesn't help if you don't know what hardware you need because you can't find it in the first place.

See what I mean. Confused.

Maybe what I really need is a glass of wine and a good night's sleep.

Not necessarily in that order.