Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You Can Take the Girl Out of the City...

But you can't take the black out of her wardrobe.

My wardrobe is black. This is a trend which started in the 80's, when I lived in the city, and it snowballed. Virtually everything now in my closet is black. Except one plum colored T-shirt and one dark brown blouse. Y'know. In case I ever have to go into an office. To work.

I've been working from home for so long that my black wardrobe has segued from black skirts, tops, and hose to black sweats, socks and crappier tops.

It's a very comfy wardrobe but it doesn't really scream "I'm a fashionista". It's more along the lines of "I work at home and haven't showered yet."

Sometimes when I have to go out and mingle in public, I put on my blue jeans. Around here, far from the city and the subways, the blue jeans help me fit in. With my black top, socks and shoes. It's great because I never have to worry about anything matching. I only have to worry about the crap factor of my top and where it falls in the "how much I care" category that day: as in "will I have to take off my coat?"

Sometimes, living 30 miles from the closest mall can have its drawbacks.

Being low maintenance doesn't help either.

And sometimes, don't tell anybody, but I really do care.

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