Thursday, March 5, 2009


We have two choices when it comes to dealing with our trash. Take it to the dump, or pay for a service to pick it up.

Needless to say, we are not the types to toss the trash into the wagon and head to the dump. So we have gone with Door Number Two - pay for a service to pick it up.

Here's the thing about trash pickup. In order for the service to take our trash, we have to put it out by the curb. My husband is incapable of remembering this even though our pickup day has always been Thursday. Usually, I take it out there, but today I didn't due to a swollen ankle. The other problem is the fact that our service is inconsistent. Some weeks they pick it up before 9:00am, other weeks it's nearly noon.

So they have lulled us into a false sense of trash pickup security and we don't think we need to worry about getting it out there early because they haven't come before 10:30 in months.

Today they came at 8:46am. They won't be back until next Thursday.

I would like to state, for the record, that we are making efforts to diminish our trash footprint. We recycle boxes, newspapers, catalogues, plastic, cans, bottles, and milk cartons. Still, the thought of a week's worth of trash and food waste mouldering out there makes my stomach queezy.

That, and paying for a service we didn't use this week.

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