Thursday, June 3, 2010

Speaking of Gardening and Aliens...

I'm starting to see myself the way some people see a former smoker. Y'know, the type of person who smokes two packs a day for 150 years and then one day they stop, do a 180 and become banner carriers for quitting, lecturing about how bad smoking is for you and complaining about other people's second hand smoke and how it's making them sick.

That's how I am starting to perceive myself in relation to (cue bad-thing-happening music) "the garden."

I'm so proud of my efforts and the end result of my little pathetic plot of land that every time I walk by it I stop and stare. Sometimes I water it. But I take in the little blue spreading flowers, the sunflowers getting taller daily, the lavender, and the awe inspiring dill.

I planted the dill because the old lady at the garden center said it would attract butterflies. She didn't tell me I'd have to name it Audrey II and that it would overcome the surrounding spaces until it starts swallowing people whole.

If she had, I wouldn't have planted it. Especially the one, the little 3 inch dill plant, that I planted in a container and is now well over 2 feet tall.

I'm starting to fear for my life and am concerned about the communications it may have established with its home planet. No need to worry about the oil spill in the Gulf. The invasion of the Dill People is imminent.

But I digress. Again. My pride in my little garden is palpable. Even with the prospect of alien invasion. So I need to talk about it. Especially now that the hard work with that one is done. There are several other areas waiting for my attention. I know they'll look good when they're done too. So check back with me in 2012 and hopefully I'll have some good pics to post.

Until then, prepare for the dill.

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