Sunday, April 25, 2010

You Can't Stop Me

I'm on a roll. Beginning to think I'm possessed by an alien being. There is no other way to explain the productivity.

Not just more gardening. Especially since the hard, painful part is done (at least in one plot - the sad, pathetic one above. Trust me it looks better in person), I'm having fun with planting. Too bad I have no plan or concept or even any idea of where I planted the sunflower seeds. In addition to the gardening, there are also lovely, colorful potted plants to great visitors coming to our front door. If we got visitors. We don't. My parents don't even drop by anymore but that's another story for another blog site.

Today, after a rough start and a cup of coffee (which I was wishing was a mimosa), I managed to get the entire upstairs primed. It's a small bathroom and I knew I would be able to cover all surfaces in a single shot. But it's "L" shaped and there are many little surfaces and several large surfaces, two doors and a window to get around. So now that it's primed I have to commit to a color. Or rather a shade. The color will be blue. Probably a pale, icy blue but I couldn't really get a sense of what a color would look like in there with all of the dark lavendar and yellowing plaster.

The shadows make it look a little off (bad lighting), but it's white primer.

Even with the primer the room looks completely different. My son was mightily impressed. I'm impressed too.

Painted today, gardened yesterday (it was just too nice out to stay in), Thursday I sewed a new curtain for the downstairs bathroom.

The New Curtain (bad lighting everywhere)

Who AM I, and what have I done with me?

Wherever I went, I'm happy with the newly possessed alien me. For now. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow. We'll confirm the presence of aliens then. In the meantime, I'm going to go look at my bathroom.

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