Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Neanderthal Tolerances

You know when you're out in nature, becoming one with it, communing, finding your inner peace and shit like that? And then you hear buzzing. So you swat near your ear but the buzzing persists. And you swat again and this time the buzzing gets closer. Like it's in your ear. And you swat again but the buzzing doesn't stop.

And you think, "what the fuck?"

And then you think you should probably stop breathing through your mouth, or something will fly in and stay for cocktails.

You know when that happens?

That's what I was thinking about as the buzzing thing tried to move into my ear. And I started to wonder about neanderthals and if they had this problem as they walked across the plains or through the woods or wherever the hell they walked. Did they think about the insects buzzing in their ears? Did they swat at the annoying buzzing?

Or did they welcome the buzzer and allow it into their ears to nest and make a hive. Perhaps build a honeycomb?

One thing leading to another the Neanderthal develop a hive mind and cannot think for themselves. There's the queen Neanderthal ordering around all the drones and workers and killing her mates because she blames them for the pain of childbirth.

And then I think "Maybe the Neanderthals were not indiginous to earth. Maybe they were an attempt by the Borg to colonize pre-industrial earth."

Oh, yes. I know who the Borg are.
And Neanderthals disappeared.

But the bugs are still here. Buzzing around our heads to annoy us. OR maybe they're trying to tell us something.

Resistance is futile.

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