Wednesday, September 30, 2009

80's Flashback

This past weekend there was a countdown of the top 100 songs of the 80s. On some channel. Don't know which. In my house we never watch a TV show when it's actually on. It started years ago with video tapes and the VCR. There is still a pile of unwatched tapes somewhere. The fact that we have graduated to a DVR that only records two programs at a time, has not lessened our need to play TV catch-up. Because the DVR has limited space and it's almost always full. There are programs on there that have cycled through the last 12 months so that they look current again.

At some point this weekend there was enough space on the DVR to record five hours of the countdown show, various children's shows and the beginnings of Ken Burns' "National Parks" series.

The culprit responsible for all of this non-viewable recording (how much tv CAN one person watch in a day or a week... or a month?) actually started a discussion with me this morning about what we could record, and when; and what we should delete.

Sometimes, I truly miss having only13 channels and the seven that actually got reception. Along with being cell-phone free, and playing  records that were actually vinyl.

Speaking of vinyl (reminds me of a diner in NYC), I was talking about the 80s. We watched the first four hours of the countdown and made it to 21. There was only one hour left to watch. The top 20 -- best of the best. Until the remote-jock himself deleted the final hour of the countdown.

Now I will never know which songs from the 80s are the top 20. My life may never be complete. I will not be able to relive those glorious, promising days of my youth when my life was before me and I was talented. And thin.

Nevermind. I have my memories.


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