I have such mixed emotions about the "end of summer." Yes, I'm looking forward to cooler dryer weather. Yes, I'm looking forward to those hours of personal freedom during school when I'm able to accomplish so much. But I am also having some great times with the boy this summer, and these days are free of the stress of schedules and homework.
Homework which is piled onto these kids in ridiculous amounts. Homework which I have to do as well, because my presence is necessary in order to keep the boy focused on his work. Homework which I find to be busy work and I resent as much as he does.
But I digress.
Today, we took part in a tradition I have not participated in since I was in middle school. We went shopping for back-to-school clothing items. He didn't actually need much. I am the grateful recipient of many a hand-me-down from my nephew. My brother and sis-in-law buy nice clothes for their kids. And my kid loves wearing what once belonged to his older cousin.
But feet and legs tend to go through crazy growth spurts - we went through at least one this summer. So our goal today was a pair of work boots, a pair of black oxford shoes, and jeans. We got five pairs or jeans. The boy goes through them like nobody's business. And I don't do laundry daily.
Why shop today? With the rest of the world? Two reasons.
1) Tax free days, and
2) 20% off coupons.
Not to mention the sales accompanying the discounts.
I don't usually shop this way (I don't usually like to shop at all), but funds are tight, and I didn't want to count on luck to hit sales when I need stuff for the boy.
So we shopped. We were focused. We conquered the crowds and then got the hell out of there.
To the waiting arms of a much needed iced coffee.
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