Sunday, August 9, 2009

Of Crabs and Turtles

After a bit of a sleep-in this morning, we threw together some bagels, packed the cooler, stopped at the local Dunkin' Donuts for some much needed java, and headed to the river.
Across the highway, the DEP has offices. Across the parking lot from the DEP offices is a small, green park with a gazebo. A boardwalk skirts the park along the river. Then it heads off into the river, underneath the railroad bridge and off into the marsh.

It was the perfect morning to be out on the pier. Mid-70s, cloud cover to keep the sun off, and breezes coming up river, in with the tide.

The boy and his dad baited the crab trap, set it, and settled in for a wait. I was firmly entrenched in the camp chair with my coffee and journal. While waiting, Junior made friends with some other kids there who's parents were also crabbing. My husband chatted with a couple of older gents who could have passed as his cousins. They were sharing crabbing and fishing stories.

Eventually, I heard squeals of delight has my overjoyed little boy announced for all to hear that he'd caught "two crabs but one escaped." I grabbed my camera, which I always have with me, to document this first catch in the new crab trap.

We moved to the more social end of the pier where a couple more crabs were caught. Followed, to everone's surprise, by a turtle. Poor thing was so distressed. I've never seen a turtle that active before. After documenting the turtle with the camera, we put it back in the trap and lowered it back into the marsh. When the trap was pulled back up, the turtle was gone.

After a few hours, the rain came as predicted.

I feel so peaceful down there. Surrounded by water and the marsh. The sound of the marsh grasses is a wonderful counterpoint to the noise of the motor boats and jet skis. And there is so much life down there. Not just the marine life, but the osprey, the egrets, the swans.

Apparently, I'm not alone. It is a very popular place to go. Especially for local residents. Especially on lovely, cool overcast days. Especially when little boys catch crabs, or turtles, or fish.

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