Friday, May 8, 2009


The sun has been noticeably absent the past few weeks here in the northeast. But it has made an appearance today. I was shocked to see it shining in the new leaves on the trees when I looked out of the window first thing. Even without my glasses I could see that it wasn't raining.

It's still humid though. I call this "Bad Hair Season". It's time to pull out the paper bag and put it over my head until sometime in September. I have a collection of summer hats. I wear them to keep the sun off my face. The fact that they cover up my fuzzy head doesn't hurt either.

I was aware of my bad temper the past few days. My alter ego, Cranky Bitch, came to visit for a few days. She, along with her friend Bad Mother, were extremely unpleasant to be around. Especially for the offspring. Guilty Mother has since driven away Bad Mother and has been trying to make amends, be more easygoing, laugh, and say "Yes!" to chocolate milk. Maybe Cranky Bitch just had too much caffeine which turned her into Bad Mother. Can't be sure. It's hard to tell them apart some days.

My office window is hung with my collection of prisms. When the sun comes out, there are dancing rainbows all over the place. I love to watch the dancing rainbows. They transform this drab, cluttered offcie space. And they drive Cranky Bitch right out of the house.

It's dorky, but it's true.

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