Greetings from the Amazon.
Not really. It's just so green outside. Green and misty and the grass and weeds are so long they are like alien beings trying to choke us out and take over the planet. So the dinosaurs can return.
I was reading in another blog how, in the mid/southwest, it's been a very wet Spring. Ditto for us in the northeast. Haven't seen much sun the past few weeks and when we do we try to take advantage of it as much as possible.
In addition to the rain, we have been beseiged by ants. Tiny little sugar ants, menacing big black carpenter ants. And moths. Stupid moths. I don't know where they're coming from. Maybe from my open mouth when I'm sleeping (snoring).
I have always tried to live with respect for other life forms. But when they move into your house, get into your cupboards and food, and don't even have the courtesy to pay rent, well... I get more than a little disrespectful for their life and the invasion on mine.
And if the rain and the bugs aren't enough, the allergies to tree pollen are killing us this year. With all the beautiful, lush life unfolding around us, comes the sneezing and the coughing and the undereye bags. My poor little guy has hardly been able to function the past few days. Even with an antihistamine. We finally got him on some serious meds and he's doing much better. Sleeping through the night.
It really is amazing how green everything is out there. The whole indoors is taking on a green cast. My son keeps commenting on how it's like a jungle out there. With all of the bird noise, it certainly sounds it. He might be on to something. Maybe the dinosaurs are making their way back.
I hope not. I can deal with harmless snakes, but I'm not a fan of reptiles.
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