Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Day

After a few inches of snow the night before last, followed by a clearing of the snow yesterday morning, we had about another inch last night which required additional clearing efforts.

We have a slightly inclined gravel/dirt driveway that freezes into a solid sheet of ice if given half a chance, or if only slightly neglected.

So out we went again today. Being Sunday, it wasn't really a "snow day" in the technical "no school" sense. Nor did we have to rush out early so that we could extricate ourselves to get to work. Which we wouldn't have done anyway since we both work at home. That would only have been necessary had we been out of coffee. A state of being which I do my best to avoid.

But snow clearing was hampered by The Boy having a one-way snowball fight with whomever was close enough to hit from behind the safety of the bushes. Usually that was me, and he had an uncanny knack of landing them on my head. Not pretty for a frizzy-haired goddess such as myself.

But I got even. And he'll never forget to zip his jacket all the way up again.

Our back yard has a section that goes downhill all of sudden. And stops just as suddenly at a stone wall. We successfully used our little hill for sledding. Or, in my case, wiping out and rolling down the hill caked in snow. Snow, which by the way, was freakin' cold. The Boy thought it was hilarious.

We enjoyed our bright sunny snow day.

In spite of the fact that I didn't get a hot toddy out of it.

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